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Movie deaths

What are your favourite movie deaths then?

Here are some of mine:

Deadly friend:

Raiders of the lost arc:


Wild at Heart (sound effects make this one):

The Omen:


Mad Max 2:


Zombie Strippers:

The Thing:


The Godfather:


Death Race 2000:

There's some I can't find a link for such as The head squashing in The Fly 2, The lift accident in The Omen 2, The toilet decapatation in Psycho 3 and the propeller guy in Titanic.

Published by Silent Rob at 1:47pm on Sun 21st February 2010. Viewed 4,780 times.
This topic has been edited, last edit at 3:24pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Any and all deaths in Anaconda the film.
The bit in Fargo where he puts his mate through the woodchipper.
When Richard goes out the window in The Hours.
Blade Runner when the snake dancer replicant gets shot and goes through the glass (what's the music to that by the way?).

I don't have the youtube prowess to find them all I'm afraid.

Published by Doris (not active) at 3:10pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Zhora's death in Bladerunner:

I reckon the music is just part of the soundtrack by Vangelis.

I like the guy melting in toxic waste in the road in Robocop.

Published by bad-timing at 3:17pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Tony Montana's death in Scarface.

Published by arthurCRS at 4:22pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Bambie's Mum

Published by ed____ at 4:36pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

This thread is sick and not funny at all. but seeing as I'm here...

Bobby Peru in 'Wild at Heart'

Published by randomandtwisted at 5:24pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

There is a youtube clip but the lack of sound track obliterates Willem Defoe's acting.

Published by randomandtwisted at 5:27pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

I'll plump for a quiet exit from the Philip K Dick adaption and go for the speech 'time to die...'

Published by happyted at 6:52pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Rutger Hauer wrote the "lost like tears in rain. Time to die" lines himself.

He also killed Captain Kirk.

Published by Silent Rob at 7:15pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Just about all of them from The Wild Bunch.

Published by tallthinkev (not active) at 7:43pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Rutger Hauer wrote the "lost like tears in rain. Time to die" lines himself. He also killed Captain Kirk. Published by Silent Rob

wasn't that Malcom McDowell as Dr. Tolian Soran that killed Kirk in Generations... both bleach blondes...

Published by happyted at 8:03pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Bob Hoskins bottling that bloke from Casualty in Long Good Friday.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 8:07pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

every single one in brain dead, but particularly when he takes the lawnmower to the zombie horde!

Published by ianscanlon at 8:34pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Puma biting Aztec's face off in Apocalypto.

Published by Boudicea Bambaataa at 9:47pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

the beheading machine in caligula and the person who bounced off the rotar in titanic

Published by Rocket Dog at 9:55pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Billy Zane's head exploding in Dead Calm - brief, but memorable!

Published by MissRegaling at 9:57pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

i find the idea of a favourite movie death a bit bizarre, so here goes....

Published by clarissa (not active) at 9:58pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Published by rishistar at 10:06pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Also when Rutger Hauer killed his maker by poking out his eyes in Blade Runner.
Resident Evil when black actor who nearly was James Bond sliced into small cubes by a moving grid of laser beams.
Hannibal when Italian cop is sliced open and pushed over balcony with intestines tied to it.

Published by daggg at 10:27pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

oooooh also, when arnie kills off the main baddy in commando, throwing a steel pipe through him and into a boiler,

" bennett, why don't you let off some steam"

Published by ianscanlon at 11:32pm on Sun 21st February 2010.

Any Final Destination ones allowed?

Published by rishistar at 12:34am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

Not sure if anyone is killed in this but for sheer agony, noises, desperation, complete knackery and heavy odds only with a claw hammer does for me...... and a bonus of an imagined fight in an elevator to cap it... fantastic

I love Oldboy...

Published by happyted at 12:47am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

See you at the party Richter.

Published by will_ at 1:23am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

Shaun of the Dead, David`s death.

Published by daggg at 2:17am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

This does make me wonder what Silent Rob had for his Sunday lunch.

Published by rishistar at 3:49am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

The nasty army guy who gets pulled in half in Day of the Dead

Published by ed____ at 10:34am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

^^^Shaun of the Dead pays homage to it. The torture scene in the Japanese film The Audition where the young woman hacks off a guy`s foot is horrific but doesn`t count on this thread as he doesn`t die.

Published by daggg at 11:15am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

Is it Day Of The Dead where the guy gets his head ripped off, and he does this horrible scream that goes up in pitch as his throat gets stretched? That would be mine :-)

Published by BennyG at 11:20am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

That's the one, Benny

Published by ed____ at 11:35am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

hehe, I found it. Someone's uploaded the whole film on Youtube. About 3 minutes in on this one:

Not quite as bad as I remember, still pretty horrible though.

Published by BennyG at 11:47am on Mon 22nd February 2010.

Lee Harvey Oswald. That was on film. I wonder what he was doing when he heard about Kennedy?

Published by splattergrabs at 12:58pm on Mon 22nd February 2010.

Since I am bumping very old threads today I thought I'd add this classic to my list:

Published by Silent Rob at 3:57pm on Thu 11th October 2012.

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