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/ Homepage / Events / Academy of Great St. Mary's concert

Academy of Great St. Mary's concert

Saturday 18th March 2023

Venue: Great St. Marys
Category: Classical Music
One Liner: Orchestra concert
Price Info: £8-£16
Time Info: 19.30-21.30

Saturday 18 March 7.30 – 9.30 pm
Great St. Mary’s, the University Church,
The Academy of Great St. Mary's
Orchestral Concert
Conductor Adam Pounds
Sibelius: Karelia Suite
Elgar: Wand of Youth Suite No. 2
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5

Tickets £8-£16 from
or Great St. Mary’s Shop, or e-mail:,
and at the door
Concerts at the heart of Cambridge

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