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Hello everyone
I have just got a new kitten from a friend of mine (10 hours ago) .He is a beautiful Burmese
I have had cats most of my life but they have all been adult .
problem is the little fella doesn't seem to be settling .
He is fine when on my lap but the moment he is on the ground he is running around trying to hide or get out . I understand that it must be daunting being away from its kin .He doesn't seem very happy .
I have been up all night trying to calm him but he is pinning badly . Does anyone have some suggestions as what might calm him down . I have let him hide under the book stand because he was running about looking for somewhere to hide .He is now sitting on my shoulder heehee .
Is the pinning natural ? He uses the cat tray fine the smell is eeeeuuurrrggh . He is eating fine .
Any suggestions appreciated .

Published by bigmal at 6:35am on Fri 16th November 2007. Viewed 5,415 times.

Time Mal, thats all it takes....thats from a family that has had over a dozen kittens from the blue cross....BTW, whats a tough guy like you doing with kittens?....Best wishes..

Published by greggfall at 6:46am on Fri 16th November 2007.

Perhaps he's seen Silence of the Lambs and is freaking out at your resemblance to Buffalo Bill? Just a thought Fake Irish.

Published by ababoonsass at 8:26am on Fri 16th November 2007.

The easiest way to stop a kitten from running around is to nail its feet to the floor.

If you don't want to do that much damage to your carpet, glue can often be a workable alternative, but you'll have to hold the kitten down while the glue sets. Be careful not to get yourself stuck as well.

If these alternatives don't appeal, you could take the kitten back and get a geranium instead.

Published by Wrongfellow at 8:55am on Fri 16th November 2007.

Give it a week mal, and she'll be cool

Published by Mr Pel at 9:03am on Fri 16th November 2007.

Can we have some photos? Good luck with her :-)

Published by Jude 1 (not active) at 9:13am on Fri 16th November 2007.

My kitten took about 1.5 weeks to settle, he wouldn't pur, play or do anything but shake with fright for the first 2 days, after about 2 weeks gradually getting better he settled in totally and made best friends with my other kitten, now he the happiest little thing ever. Just give it time, it will be fine

Published by Annabanana at 9:25am on Fri 16th November 2007.

My only suggestion is get some cardboard boxes and lay them open on their side with some blankets/towels in them, one in each room. That way she can follow you around the place and always have somewhere to feel safe :D

Published by Morsey at 9:43am on Fri 16th November 2007.

kitten food and a box with a towel in to hide in. After a few days he'll be fine.

but we will need pictures, and if he doesn't have a name yet can i suggest that Fred is a good name for a cat.

Published by strawberry-ozzy (not active) at 9:47am on Fri 16th November 2007.

my old cat was called Fred. My new one's called Fluffy though.

Published by Yorkshire lass at 9:53am on Fri 16th November 2007.

He seems a lot better already .Keeping him in my bedroom for now . When i am not stroking him he runs under the cupboard , but he is already very friendly and purring .
I am thinking of calling him Mr Jingles .
His little meows are so cute .

Published by bigmal at 9:55am on Fri 16th November 2007.

my cat is called ron

Published by strawberry-ozzy (not active) at 9:55am on Fri 16th November 2007.

my housemates hate the name Mr jingles . I kinda like it .
what suggestions do you have ??
ababoonsarse please shut up .

Published by bigmal at 5:39pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by Janeyferr (not active) at 5:54pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 6:03pm on Fri 16th November 2007.




Published by Mr Pel at 6:11pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 6:12pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

Night prowling, sifting sand.
Padding around on the ground,
he'll be found
when you're around.
That cat's something I can't explain.

Keep on with the cuddles, try not to molest him when you're drunk (like you do to me, heheheheh). He'll soon settle in - the cardboard boxes thing works well too.

Published by John Techno at 6:26pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 6:30pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

My god, Bluebelle - I thought I was the only person who'd seen that. Excellent film!

Published by John Techno at 6:34pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

oh my god john techno back on wan!!!!

My vote for the cats name still goes for Fred failing that i'd call him Spawn

Published by strawberry-ozzy (not active) at 6:36pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

Not a kitten maybe, but soooo cute

Published by Bozee (not active) at 6:38pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

Well, Wikipedia seems to be suffering from a rash of new users who are able to spell and write grammatically - I was getting a bit bored over there. :)
I couldn't have another cat called Fred. Fred was my cat and best friend when I was a wee kiddie, he lived to be 27 and I still miss him and his distinctive odour.

Published by John Techno at 6:43pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 7:50pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

hey jedimia
Mr jingles is 10wks old . .I live in the coop with 5 other adults but no pets,children live next door .
My main concern is how to introduce him to the rest of the hoose and getting him outside .
He`s actually very clean but farts a lot .

Published by bigmal at 7:59pm on Fri 16th November 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 8:00pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 8:09pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

Valium will calm him down.

Seriously, give him a week or two. It'll take a bit of time but he'll chill out once he gets used to your place.

Published by Tetley at 8:13pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 9:13pm on Fri 16th November 2007.

christ this kitten is insane , what a handful .He is starting to scratch and be violent . What are the best toys to get to try and deal with this this ,this devil kitty .

Published by bigmal at 12:04pm on Sat 17th November 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 1:59pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 4:58pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 5:02pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

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Published by jedimia (not active) at 5:05pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

Any book by Vicky Halls
Cat Confidential: The Book Your Cat Would Want You to Read

She's a cat goddess - you can get second hand books on Amazon - I've loaned mine to someone else otherwise you'd be welcome to borrow it.

Published by Smithy at 5:36pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 6:13pm on Sat 17th November 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 6:14pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 6:17pm on Sat 17th November 2007.

Bigmal, i've got a cat basket you can have if you want.
My Cat would rather fall asleep on some junk mail then the padded comfy cat basket.

Published by Mr Pel at 8:14pm on Sun 18th November 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 12:41pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

Published by ababoonsass at 12:45pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 12:56pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

Yep, dogs are really good judges of character... that's why they bite children.

More wolves...

Published by ababoonsass at 1:08pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

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Published by Georgie girl (not active) at 1:10pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 1:33pm on Mon 19th November 2007.

hey Mr Pel (horrible man) yes mate a cat basket would be brill
cheers mate .
Mr Jingles says thank you
whits yer hoose number again .

Published by bigmal at 1:45pm on Mon 19th November 2007.


here he is ...Mr Jingles

Published by bigmal at 8:56pm on Sat 24th November 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:10pm on Sat 24th November 2007.



Published by bigmal at 8:59pm on Sat 24th November 2007.



Published by bigmal at 9:02pm on Sat 24th November 2007.



Published by bigmal at 9:08pm on Sat 24th November 2007.



Published by bigmal at 9:09pm on Sat 24th November 2007.

big mal being told he is a veteran


Published by bigmal at 9:11pm on Sat 24th November 2007.
This reply has been edited, last edit at 9:44pm on Sat 24th November 2007.

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Published by bluebelle_ (not active) at 11:04pm on Sat 24th November 2007.

Awwww. He looks like a meanie. I hope he's settling now though, looks very mistrustful though.

Published by Doris (not active) at 2:51am on Sun 25th November 2007.

he's beeeeyoo-tiful!

Published by Talullah at 10:32am on Sun 25th November 2007.

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Published by The Chocoholic (not active) at 12:48pm on Sun 25th November 2007.

RIP Mr Poopsey Jingles.

you were a great buddy

Published by bigmal at 5:35pm on Wed 11th July 2018.

Sorry for your loss bigmal, he will be greatly missed. Sending hugs. :-'(

Published by MissRegaling at 11:19pm on Wed 11th July 2018.

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